How to survive family photos on your Wedding Day

Tough love time: family photos can take over your wedding...OR or they can be easy as pie — you just have to plan ahead. Here's how to make sure we fly through them on the day-of:


B & G with flower girl & ring bearer (begin with children first – less stress and we can keep their attention better)

B with flower girl

B with ring bearer

G with flower girl

G with ring bearer

B&G with entire family

B&G with grooms family

B&G with bride’s family

B with her family

B with her siblings

B with her parents (2x if separated or divorced (for step parents))

G with his family

G with his siblings

G with his parents (2x if separated or divorced (for step parents))

B&G with grandparents (2x both sides)

B with her grandparents

G with his grandparents

Generational photos (Grandma/Mom/Bride & Grandpa/Dad/Groom)

B&G with God Parents (if applicable)

B & God Parents (if applicable)

G & God Parents (if applicable)

Other portraits

Keep in mind that your wedding day will fly by! That is why it is so important to be prepared so that things run as smoothly as they can and you can do what you're meant to do — celebrate! And, as wonderful as it is for your mother to have a beautiful portrait of the whole fam for her mantel, it's worth noting that if you opt for 56 combinations of guests, a good number of those will never see the light of day when all is said and done. So, choose wisely and remember, it's the experience that counts!


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